Event finished. Thank you for participating and we look forward to seeing you again.


June 9 - 14, 2024
Gothenburg, Sweden

We are looking forward to seeing our customers and colleagues at ECASIA 2024! There will be several scientific presentations by ULVAC-PHI and Physical Electronics scientists being presented throughout the week. 

 ”Full Energy Range Examination of NiCrFeVCuTi High Entropy Oxide Using XPS, HAXPES and UPS-LEIPS,
 Dr. Hsun-Yun Chang

 ”Multi-Technique Characterization of PtNi Nanowires for Enhanced Durability and Efficiency,
 Dr. Jennifer Mann

 ”Exploring the Power of TOF-SIMS by Coupling Collision-Induced Dissociation with Surface-Induced Dissociation for Structural Analysis”,
 Dr. Jacob Schmidt

 ”Surface Analysis of Engineered Particles for Improved Battery Performance and Stability,
 Dr. Sarah Zaccarine

”Non-Destructive Characterization of Multi-Layered Thin Films Using XPS, HAXPES and Structure Modeling in StrataPHI”,
 Dr. Kateryna Artyushkova


Please visit the ECASIA 2024 website for more information.